Ramakrishna Chhipa



Designer & Web Developer

I am an Engineering student, pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering from B K Brila Institute of Engineering and Technology and I belong to the batch of 2019-2023. My technical interests are ML/AI, Web Development, Cloud Computing. I am ML Enthusiast, front-end Web Developer, and a Designer at GirlScript Pilani. I love to learn new technologies.


HTML 100%
CSS 80%
JavaScript 70%
Python 80%
C++ 90%
Photoshop 90%



Ramakrishna Chhipa

I am a ML Enthusiast, a Front-end Web Developer, and a designer. I love to learn about new technologies.

  • 294, sector-11, Hiran Magri, Udaipur
  • +91 7976392009
  • ramakrishna.chhipa99@gmail.com


Bachelor of Technology

2019 - Present

B.K.Birla Institute of Engineering and Technology

12th class

2018 - 2019

MDS Sr. Sec. School

Professional Experience

Campus Business Manager at PrepBytes

Oct 2020 - Present

Python/ML Lead at DSC BKBIET

Sep 2020 - Present
Developer Student Clubs are university-based community groups for students interested in Google developer technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. By joining a DSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community.

Technical Lead at Microsoft Student Club Pilani

Aug 2020 - Present
Microsoft Student Club Pilani is a technical club, under the wing of Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador(s), which helps the students to enhance their technical skills, and will be showcasing & nurturing their talents. We conduct events both on-campus and virtually, inspiring students to pursue knowledge, in their own unique ways. It's an honor to be part of such a large community.

Graphic Designer at GirlScript Pilani

Apr 2020 - Present


  • All
  • Design
  • Web


Web Development

I can make your presence on Internet.

Social Media Handler

I can make you presence on social media.

Graphic Designer

I can make Effective Graphics.

User Interface Design

I can make interactive user interface.





+91 7976392009

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